Break the mold, defy all rules

Passion stronger than a storm,

A hurricane, a typhoon, a cyclone

All put together are weaker

Than this love

An image, a thought an idea

Is it real, is it in the mind

Talk to shadows, talk to photos

Has any love before been stronger

Than this love?

Will this wane, will it ever end

Will passion dim, will flames flicker

Will it die and ever be forgotten

Will any feeling in life last longer

Than this love?

Legendary loves grow bigger with time

This can never get any bigger

Or stronger with time or distance

Legendary love will never be purer

Than this love

Stories will never be written

Songs will never be sung

No one will feel the perfect storm

The depth, the strength the passion

Of this love.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, unum adhuc graece mea ad. Pri odio quas insolens ne, et mea quem deserunt. Vix ex deserunt torqu atos sea vide quo te summo nusqu.

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