This is my life and it has been long
The path of life is long indeed, my friend.
With the end of the journey now in sight
The truth of life stares me in the end
While friends aplenty have come and gone
Enemies are few, in fact only one to see
Not man, nor animal or a creature of the sea
Time has truly been my greatest enemy
No time to pause, no time to smile
No time to think, or to rest awhile
Time has sped and raced much faster than I
My life has passed like the blink of an eye.
Now comes the eleventh hour of life
And I wish to end both sorrow and strife
Days and nights now pass at higher speed
Time is life’s worst enemy indeed.
Eternity awaits on the other side, I’m told
But all that glitters is certainly not gold
Will time change from enemy to friend?
I will not know this until the end.