Is there more to life than life itself
Is flesh and blood all there is to living
Is being and unbeing the end of all
Would there be not a trace left behind?
My life is more than flesh and blood I say
That is not even a quarter of what I am
My thoughts, emotions, memories
Are greater than the flesh and blood in me
My experiences, my memories, the books
The love, the hate, the loss and regret
What will happen to them when I go
Will they be interred with my body, as a set?
Is there a scheme in your control my Lord,
To parcel and preserve this part of me,
So, when the body is no longer in this world
I will live on as if in virtual reality.
Why send men to walk on the moon
Why send pointless rockets to Mars
We need a means to stay beyond our lives
So, we can be alive when we are dead